Monday, January 31, 2011

Walking Trail

Walking Trail
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
31 of 365

One of my fave places here in Macau. Not a hard hike and very near our apartment. So dragging my stuff up there is not that hard.

for the Strobist Anonymous:
60x90cm softbox camera left with an A-head Elinchrom Quadra. triggered with Elinchrom Skyport.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Hug

A Hug
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
30 of 365

"A hug is a form of physical intimacy, that usually involves closing or holding the arms around the neck or waist of another person or group of persons"

Everyone knows what a hug means.

Main light is a beauty dish with grid coming from the top with an A-head Elinchrom Quadra. LP 120 flagged from camera left and right flagged/gobo'd and zoomed to 85mm. Fill from a 580 EX through a China ringlight. BG light from a Falcon Eyes monolight with snoot and grid camera right with a cerulian blue gel pointed at an old reflector hence the texture.
Triggered with PW FlexTT5, Plus II and the built in IR receiver for the monolight.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
29 of 365

Stuck indoors today and stuck with myself. Just wanted to test out the Octa. Better uploads soon ( I hope...)

Info: 120cm octabox camera left with an A-head quadra with 1/2 CTO.
LP120 camera right zoomed to 85mm and with grid and full CTO focused on the face. WB set to 2500ºK

Friday, January 28, 2011

Nature Tripping II

Nature Tripping II
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
28 of 365

Same as below but it was windier today and this time i am starting to see what I'm after. Need to shoot more, let's hope my model doesn't get impatient with me.

60x90cm softbox camera right rigged with an A-head Quadra.
Skyport triggers.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nature Tripping

Nature Tripping
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
27 of 365

Took a walk up the nearest walking trail from our apartment and brought along a few lighting gear. I have this lighting idea in my mind but i still can't "find" it. will probably have to endure more hiking with a heavy bag on my back to find it.

info: 60x90 cm softbox camera right
elinchrom quadra A-head
Elinchrom skyport trigger

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fade to Black II

Fade to Black II
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
26 of 365

running out of ideas. very limited when your doing it all. shooter, assistant and very own subject.

on the other note. feeling excited for an upcoming porject. i do hope it pushes through!

60x90cm softbox with grid camera right
elinchrom quadra A-head
Elinchrom Skyport trigger

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Blues

The Blues
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
25 of 365

'nuff said...

info: elinchrom quadra with a beauty dish camera left.
Elinchrom skyport trigger.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Fade to Black

Fade to Black
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
24 of 265

Life it seems will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Sun is Up

The Sun is Up
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
23 of 365

the sky is blue. it's beautiful
and so are you...

info info info:
Elinchrom Quadra A head right almost on axis with just the supplied diffuser.
Triggered with Elinchrom skyport

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Walk

The Walk
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
22 of 365

A nightly event. Walking our dog Cuddy for her bathroom requirements.
Info: 580 EX on a shoot thru with 1/2 CTO.
PW Flex tt5

Friday, January 21, 2011

Just Another Self Portrait

21 of 365

Yesterday, I challenged myself to use all the lights I have for today's entry. But flu got in the way. Will do that some other time. Posting this just for the sake of posting.

LP 120 on a 40x40cm softbox camera right with 1/4 CTO
LP 120 with grid camera left zoomed to 85
PW Flex TT5 and Plus II

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Monster Dog

Monster Dog
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
20 of 365

Monster Dog by Oakley. This has been with me for almost 6 years now. Should probably have it retired. I don't usually shoot macro but this time i wish i had a macro lens.

Let's go!
shot with a 40x40cm softbox on top of the eyewear with LP 120. the bokeh is from drinking glasses stacked together and lit with a red gelled and gridded LP120 from the back. triggered with PW FlexTT5 and Plus II.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Windows of a Building

Windows of a Building
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
19 of 365

Clear blue sky, reflective windows and birds flying around. What more can you ask for for a short photowalk around the neighborhood.

I wish the birds were real, added them in post. : )

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
18 of 365

a friend fo ours gave this to her as a birthday gift more than 5 years ago. must find more ways to use this in my coming entries.

here we go!
LP 120 on a medium softbox camera left close to model. LP 120 camera right flagged.
PW FlexTT5 and Plus II.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
17 of 365

not the one that flies. it's a photo lighting technique (for those of you who's not into this thing).

LP120 with softbox cam left.
PW plus II.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Control Freak

Control Freak
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
16 of 365

How much remote controls can you collect in just a few years?

When I was in college (for a dance degree), I used this idea as part of our thesis production. We used the Seven Deadly sins as our main theme and I was assigned to do "Sloth". I based my work on perconal thought that technology advancement makes the human body move less and less. think Wall-E (but Wall-E was not out yet at that time).

LP 120 on a 50x70 softbox with half blue gel.
LP 120 attached to the lamp with Full cut CTO
580EX with grid top and a little behind the remotes.
PW FlexTT5 and Plus II

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
15 of 365

another bokeh shot.

Collapsed reflective umbrella cam right with 580 ex. LP120 cam left with red gel pointed at the BG. LED lights hung on a boom for the bokeh.
Triggered with PW FlexTT5 and Plus II.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Old Lady with a Veil

Old Lady with a Veil
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
14 of 365

I assisted local shooter today on a fashion shoot in a nearby public park. As a second assistant, my first job on the location was look after our equipment while while they scout for shooting spots. This lady came up to me and started speaking to me in Chinese. She was just probably asking what we were doing with so much bags and stuff and of course I asked her for a photo which she gladly obliged. She's probably around 90 years old. Wasn't able to shoot some BTS from the fashion shoot, was kinda busy holding a lightstand or a reflector. good day today. : )


as natural light as it can be.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Office

The Office
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
13 of 365

Not really an office, but this is where I spend most of my day.

here we go with the info:
LP120 inside the lamp cam left with a knock off orange-gy "sto-fen". 580 ex bounced on the screen of my Mac. Sigma ef 500DG cam right with grid for the prints on the wall. Shoot thru umbrella with LP 120 and blue gel for the "mood" lights.
Triggered with PW tt5 and plus II.

"remote live view makes life easier too" : )

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Not Cold in Here

Not Cold in Here
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
12 of 365

Almost done on my second week and almost all of my stuff in my 365 are all shot indoors. Need to go out soon but the weather isn't really an ideal working environment to me. Can't wait till winter is over!!!

let's get on to it. Info:
Soflighter camera right with LP 120. LP120 camera left with grid. ring light adapter on cam for fill.
*might need to get a new ringlight adapter, this one gives out a funky color. an orbis maybe.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Starring: Cuddy

Starring: Cuddy
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
11of 365

inspired by Jill Greenberg's work. Tried to imitate her lighting style. kinda works, i guess. but a very tedious work. i have this project in mind that involves dogs in particularand i'm researching on a lighting diagram for it.

sidelit with LP 120 on each side flagged. a falconeyes monoblock front and above on a collapsed reflective umbrella. china made ringlight adapter for fill with a 580 EX. sigma ef 500 dg super for the BG, gelled.
Trigerred with PW Flextt5 and pw plus II

Monday, January 10, 2011

JK 365th

JK 365th
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
10 of 365

same time last year we tied the knots. With our family and close friends, we did our lifetime Pas D Deux.

Info: 580 ex cam left with grid really close to the rings. LP 120 on a shoot thru coming from the top a little in front. small mirror cam right to give back the light from the canon.
triggerred with PW flexx tt5 and plus II.

*apologies for the rush job, was a bit busy celebrating. : )

Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's too cold today!

It's too cold today!
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
9 of 365

well, at least for me who's from a tropical country. There's something about the winter on this side of the planet than those with snow. It's almost too painful.

lit from the side. flagged Sigma EF 500 DG camera left and flagged LP 120 camera right both zoomed at 80mm. LP 120 with blue gel for the background

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
8 of 365

That's exactly how I felt the first time I met him. This is Joe Mcnally, the Indiana Jones of Photography and the Jackie Chan of small strobes. Great photographer and an even greater guy.

Friday, January 7, 2011

A Tribute to the Motherland

7 of 365

I see this dried flowers in front of me everyday. They're just on top of our table that's why. And i haven't really used my Kenko Tubes so why not, right?

My tribute for the motherland. It has a similar look to our flag.

lit with 3 strobes. LP 120 above and a little behind through an umbrella with full cut CTO. LP 120 camera left to fill in the shadows with grid. and 580 EX back camera left for the background. the flowers were on a transparent acrylic suspended on 2 chairs.
Triggered with PW flexTT5 and Plus II's

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Inspiration or Imitation

6 of 365

this was not supposed to be my post today. but the thing in my mind won't work solo. i need a subject for it. Browsed thru flickr to get some inspirations or soemthing I can imitate. this was it.

that's actually me looking at myself in remote liveview shooting.

580ex camera left for the background gelled green.
LP 120 camera left on a collapsed reflective umbrella.
PW FlexTT5 and plus II's

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Whip your hair back and forth!

5 of 365

red gelled 580EX camera right with snoot and grid pointed at the BG.
LP 120 above (scale) model flagged to prevent spillin to BG, zoomed to 85mm.
LP120 camera left and behind model zoomed to 50mm and flagged to prevent flare.
sigma ef 500 dg super camera right to light the knee and right foot of model.

triggered with PW flexTT5, plus II and IR (for the sigma)

if only i had a real model for this one.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dangerously Lit

dangerously lit
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
4 of 365

an output from Joe Mcnally's workshop.

info: one light 580 ex camera right bare zoomed.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
3 of 365

another bokeh shot. seems like photos get more interesting with bokeh. won't you agree?

info: 1 LP 120 in a softlighter camera right.
PW plus II

Sunday, January 2, 2011

002 of 365

002 of 365
Originally uploaded by jojomamangun
number 2 of 365

been wanting to play with this idea. writing with water. thought of it from the Filipino phrase "Ilista mo sa tubig".

info: LP120 shot through a medium softbox camera right for highlights set to the lowest power.
should also add: LED Xmas lights above and behind to get the reflection on the table.
PW plus II

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1 of 365

001 of 365

First day of my 365 project. Yup, spent the countdown watching my wife in a Cirque du Soleil show, "ZAIA". A Happy New Year to all!

Full image here